Psychological Assessment Services


What we do

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

The comprehensive ASD evaluation at our clinic uses the most advanced assessment tools in order to formulate a diagnosis. The assessment focuses on various domains often associated with ASD symptoms in order to reduce the likelihood of a missed diagnosis. These areas include speech and verbal abilities, intelligence, and daily living skills, along with autism-specific testing measures. Research indicates that by age 2, diagnosis of ASD is quite reliable; our clinic sees children from 18 months to 18+ years. We also offer ASD testing for adults, and Dr. Fulwiler is one of the leading psychologists in the state specializing in the presentation of autism in adulthood.

For a detailed description of the process, see the what to expect page. For children who sometimes worry about unfamiliar routines, there is also a pictorial social story that may be helpful to share with your child to help better prepare for the testing day.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Our ADHD assessment focuses on the biological bases for difficulties related to inattentiveness, sustained attention, and impulsivity. Often conducted as a component of broader evaluations, the ADHD evaluation can also be scheduled on its own.

Learning Disabilities

Dr. Fulwiler offers testing for academic achievement, intelligence, and other areas of functioning that are often required for an educational ruling, such as an IEP (Individualized Education Program) or a section 504 plan. These include specific difficulties in areas such as mathematics or reading, as well as more general educational struggles. The typical academic evaluation consists of an intelligence (IQ) test, along with tests of academic achievement.

Intelligence (IQ)

Administered in most of our comprehensive evaluations, an intelligence test can be administered to children as young as 30 months, though typically IQ becomes stable closer to 6 or 7 years of age. Whether referred for a specific reason or to get an estimate of a child's strengths and weaknesses, an intelligence test is often essential for education or treatment planning.  This type of testing on its own can be helpful for determining if a child is eligible for gifted services or to identify areas for support.

Social-Emotional Disorders

Behavioral problems often originate from social and emotional struggles, including anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders. Our assessment services can help formulate a specific plan for therapeutic intervention. These issues are screened for during our comprehensive assessments; however, a specific and targeted assessment of social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties can also be conducted for more thorough diagnostic clarification. 

Neurocognitive functioning

Neuropsychological tests can help provide information about various areas of functioning, especially those that may be affected by a brain injury, illness, or other developmental/intellectual disorders. This assessment often involves tests of IQ, memory, attention, motor dexterity and speed, visual-spatial abilities, adaptive/life skills, and executive functioning. 
